We are deeply grateful for your kind donation of £736.25 in memory of Darren Hodgson.
Your contribution will make a difference and we are touched by your generosity. We truly appreciate your support.
Rotherham Cancer Care Centre is a local charity which is entirely dependent on the funds raised by volunteers, supporters and donations received.
We would be unable to provide our services and help people without the invaluable efforts of volunteers.
There are many ways volunteers can help us, every person who gets involved makes a real difference to the people attending Rotherham Cancer Care Centre.
You may have a family member who has received our service at the centre.
You may have friends who volunteer and are looking for an organisation to be part of.
You may be a young person looking for experience working for a charitable organisation.
Each year we rely on people supporting us with fundraising events.
This support enables us to provide our services free of charge, and ensures that people are given an early appointment at the Centre.
We currently have Annual Ball, race nights, Golf days, Burns Night.
You could raise money through; coffee mornings, bake sales, running or baking events, or sponsored walks.
For the chance to win £50 you could enter our prize draw. Click for details
Prize Draw Pay Monthly Prize Draw Pay YearlyYou can send your donation directly to our bank by transfer to Rotherham Cancer Care:
Sort Code 55-81-56
Account Number 11673109
Send a quick message to the team, email, or call.
93 Badsley Moor Lane, Clifton, Rotherham S65 2PS